Thursday, 23 June 2011


In Liverpool today for a chat with "the diocese". Won't go into it here but here's the positive I can take. It's quite possible for two Christians to have a serious discussion about something important, to fundamentally disagree, and yet after an hour still be completely ok with one another. And know that what, who, we have in common is still far greater.

in the cafe at the cathedral I picked up a link to the Glasgow Skeptics conference. As one does. And was able to watch it on YouTube (free wifi here!). It was a creationist being insulted by an evolutionist speaker. Logically I agreed with the latter, but there was no need to call his questioner an idiot and worse.

One day soon I will work out what I actually believe about the way God works in the world. Possibly.

Was off to see "Senna" at FACT this afternoon (a hero from my youth). But it turns out that "silver screen" means pensioners only. D'oh!
Nice to feel young sometimes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Nelson St,Liverpool,United Kingdom

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