Sunday, 26 June 2011


Went to a church called The Foundry this morning in Widnes.  Very friendly, and great start with good coffee and a danish in a big, airy room.  Had a quick look at the tech before the service - an iMac just like mine running the presentation software and a PC doing audio recording (which Tim reckoned would be distorting badly.)  A projector either side of a big worship space, with a big blank wall inbetween.  Which I actually found a bit disappointing.  First, there was no need for the screens at all since the wall behind was white.  And second, there was too much blankness, no colour, and nothing to look at!  Made me feel like visiting a Catholic church next time (watch out Pat!)  I was longing for some kind of pictures or colour or anything really.  Enjoyed singing To God be the Glory (Phatfish tune) but didn't know any other songs.  
There was an odd communion section with individual bits of bread and little cups of Ribena, which wasn't really explained.  
I liked the message from pastor Gary from Australia.  I was still listening after 45 minutes, but thought he could have made it shorter and more focussed.  Maybe that's because I'm used to something more concise.  But he made some good points out of Acts 3.  Mostly about stopping.  Peter & John stopped to talk to the 'man lame from birth'.  (Doesn't actually say they stopped - I was imagining how it would work if no-one actually stopped, but that was just being awkward).  Anyway, safely assuming they did stop, the message was about how God works when we are willing to be inconvenienced.

Couldn't find a verse in Acts 3 or anything specifically on inconvenience but I'm sure there is one.  Suggestions please!

BTW, I've fiddled with the comments settings now, so you should be able to leave a comment now even if you couldn't before.

Also, the grand prix was boring today and back to making F1 look a bit pointless.  Perhaps it is. 

Philippians 2:16
Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.


  1. Looks a nice church and they have a nicely laid out website. However I do agree with the layout of the screen projectors. Would be better to have a large central screen instead of the two small ones I think. Unless there is an obstruction in the middle which is difficult to tell from the picture.

    I am sure they have the funds by the look of it to purchase one. They could always contact Apple and see if they can have one from an old keynote.

  2. Font size issues here I think...

  3. I find the font size too small too, but it's set at the default. It's not that easy to change when you're posting from 3 different devices but i may look into it.
