I stopped at a bridge over a little stream. I watched a beer can making it's way downstream. This was quite surprising because there didn't seem to be enough water to keep it afloat in most places. But somehow it kept moving, darting left and right and spinning round unexpectedly as little currents of water, too small to see, directed its progress.
This made me think of God's direction in our lives. Sometimes we seem to be going on a detour and wonder what's going on. But that's because God knows the map and we don't. Ultimately we will reach the destination that God has planned. But we have to trust that God knows the route better than we do.
There's a famous verse from the psalms that reminds us of this. I like to picture those solar lanterns that you cans stick in your garden - you can see them, but you can't see by them.
Psalm 119
105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
That is alcohol for you. Sends you all over the place when all everything around you is more stable.