Friday, 8 July 2011


Back in the shed after a good week at Nottingham. Theology now fully topped up. In 5 small areas anyway. Great to meet a variety of people from around the UK, all wanting to learn. Somehow, at the lunch table I got the job of defining evangelicalism - which wasn't easy. Conservative, open, charismatic, liberal. And I thought it had something to do with evangelism when I went to college.

Today we finished with 3 sessions on Old Testament law. Not as bad as it sounds. We looked at the version 2.0 laws in Deuteronomy that are updates from Exodus and Leviticus. And how Pharisaical "hedging" of the law (extending it a bit to make sure you don't break it) had led to racism.

Whereas the Pharisees added more laws as they interpreted the Torah, Jesus reduced it to one thing - love - in 2 simple commandments.

I wondered if Jesus would have obeyed the law without knowing it? It seems he did know the law extremely well anyway so it's hypothetical. But to fulfil the law would be to always act out of love in such a way that the law is always fulfilled.

I think.

Romans 10:4
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
4 But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become acceptable to God by faith.

Romans 10:4 But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary: Or " But Christ gives the full meaning to the Law."


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